Monday, 31 December 2018

About me

Picture the set up....a freezing cold or boiling hot  ( depending on the time of year ) conservatory...a ton of boxes and drawers full of 'stuff' I have collected over the years. A table full of paint stains and glue marks. A tv with a dvd player...yes a dvd player. My son always rolls his eyes at that one and tells me to move into 21st century. Being 15 is hard when you mum is so uncool apparently!

I play terrible sci fi movies or bad horror films...and while not really watching them I make the  things that come into my brain.

Do I have a need for most of the things I make? Not really. I try and give them to people when I am done. I hand them out for raffles etc. The educational stuff I make mostly goes to my local Montessori school that I used to work at. So I try and make it with that in mind.

Mostly I just browse the internet and find interesting things to make and put my own spin on then.

It is keeps me busy....and I enjoy it. Is it always perfect??? good grief no. I make mistakes and slip up all the I care? do I heck...Does it make me happy...well yes it I carry on.

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